
Bonnie Kellen

If you would like to learn more about PE and ED and the skills described in the program on your own:

Coping with Premature Ejaculation by Michael Metz and Barry McCarthy Ph.D.

Coping with Erectile Dysfunction by Michael Metz and Barry McCarthy Ph.D

Heal Pelvic Pain by Stein, MPT

How to please a woman:

Satisfaction, the Art of the Female Orgasm by Kim Cattrell

Kissing by Taylor D’Aotino

She Comes First by Ian Kerner Ph.D.

Becoming Clitorate by Laurie Mintz PhD

How to please a man:

Guide to getting it on: Unzipped by Paul Joannides Psyd.

For advanced sexual techniques, I recommend YouTube

Susan Bratton. Personal Be a Better Lover series.

Steamy Sex Ed DVDs

Relationships.. understanding and getting along with a partner

Make up, don’t break up……. by Dr. Bonnie Eaker Weil

How not to (S)mother your man and how to keep a woman happy?  by Dr. Bonnie Eaker Weil

10 Smart Things Gay Men Can Do to Find Real Love by Joe Kort,Ph.D

Love Worth Making by Stephen Snyder M.D.

Anxiety Dr. Carolyn Daitch –

Taming Anxiety (4 part video modules)

Road to Calm Workbook

Anxious in Love

Looking for a Sex Therapist in Your Location:

American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors, and Therapists 

Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy - Beyond Basis NYC

Helpful Forms

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